Period : (1855-1899)
Nationality : France
Era or style music: Romantic
Audio format : MP3 320 Kbps, MP3 256 Kbps, mp3 192 Kbps
Size : 845.6 MB
Ernest Chausson MP3 music download compositions Summary torrent
Works with opus number, Op. 1, Five Fantasies for piano (1879–80), Nocturne
(1886), No. 1 Ave Maria, Op. 20, Symphony in B-flat (1889–90), Ballade, Op. 30,
Piano Quartet in A (1897), Op. 35, String Quartet in C minor (1897-9), Op. 36,
Two Melodies, Vocal-orchestral, L'arabe, cantata (1881), Orchestral, Symphony
No. 2 (sketches, 1899), Chamber, Concerto for piano, oboe, viola, and string
quartet (sketches, 1897), Eleven Fugues on Themes by Bach, Franck, Massenet,
and Saint-Saëns for piano (1880-1), Songs for voice and piano,
etc songs.

Ernest Chausson music download MP3 free torrent Complete description
Ernest Chausson - Works with opus number.mp3
Ernest Chausson - Op. 1, Five Fantasies for piano (1879–80).mp3
Ernest Chausson - Op. 2, Seven Melodies.mp3
Ernest Chausson - Nanny, to words by Leconte de Lisle (1880).mp3
Ernest Chausson - Le charme, to words by A. Silvestre (1879).mp3
Ernest Chausson - Les papillons, to words by Théophile Gautier (1880).mp3
Ernest Chausson - La dernière feuille, to words by Gautier (1880).mp3
Ernest Chausson - Sérénade italienne, to words by Paul Bourget (1880).mp3
Ernest Chausson - Hébé, to words by Louise Ackermann (1882).mp3
Ernest Chausson - Le colibri, to words by Leconte de Lisle (1882).mp3
Ernest Chausson - Op. 3, Piano Trio in G minor (1881).mp3
Ernest Chausson - Op. 4, Les caprices de Marianne, lyric comedy, with libretto by Alfred de Musset (1882-4), incomplete.mp3
Ernest Chausson - Op. 5, Viviane, symphonic poem on a legend of the Round Table (1882, rev. 1887).mp3
Ernest Chausson - Op. 6, Two Motets for voices, violin, and organ (1883).mp3
Ernest Chausson - No. 1 Deus Abraham.mp3
Ernest Chausson - No. 2 Ave verum.mp3
Ernest Chausson - Op. 7, Hélène, lyric drama, in two acts, with libretto by Leconte de Lisle (1883-4), incomplete.mp3
Ernest Chausson - Op. 8, Four Melodies, to words by Maurice Bouchor.mp3
Ernest Chausson - Nocturne (1886).mp3
Ernest Chausson - Amour d'antan (1882).mp3
Ernest Chausson - Printemps triste (1883).mp3
Ernest Chausson - Nos souvenirs (1888).mp3
Ernest Chausson - Op. 9, Hymne védique for four voices and orchestra, to words by Leconte de Lisle (1886).mp3
Ernest Chausson - Op. 10, Solitude dans les bois, symphonic poem (1886, destroyed).mp3
Ernest Chausson - Op. 11, Two duos for voices (1883).mp3
Ernest Chausson - La nuit, to words by Théodore de Banville.mp3
Ernest Chausson - Le réveil, to words by Honoré de Balzac.mp3
Ernest Chausson - Op. 12, Three motets for four voices, cello, harp, and organ (1886).mp3
Ernest Chausson - No. 1 Ave Maria.mp3
Ernest Chausson - No. 2 Tota pulchra es.mp3
Ernest Chausson - No. 3 Ave maris stella.mp3
Ernest Chausson - Op. 13, Four Melodies.mp3
Ernest Chausson - Apaisement, to words by Paul Verlaine (1885).mp3
Ernest Chausson - Sérénade, to words by Jean Lahor (1887).mp3
Ernest Chausson - L'aveu, to words by Villiers de L'Isle-Adam (1887).mp3
Ernest Chausson - La cigale, to words by Leconte de Lisle (1887).mp3
Ernest Chausson - Op. 14, La caravane, song to words by Gautier (1887, also orch.).mp3
Ernest Chausson - Op. 15, Chant nuptial, song for four female voices, to words by Leconte de Lisle (1887-8).mp3
Ernest Chausson - Op. 16, Three Motets.mp3
Ernest Chausson - No. 1 Lauda Sion for voice, organ, and harp (1888).mp3
Ernest Chausson - No. 2 Benedictus for two sopranos and harp (1890).mp3
Ernest Chausson - No. 3 Pater noster for voice and organ (1891).mp3
Ernest Chausson - Op. 17, Chansons de Miarka, to words by Jean Richepin (1888).mp3
Ernest Chausson - Les morts.mp3
Ernest Chausson - La pluie.mp3
Ernest Chausson - Op. 18, La tempête, incidental music for Shakespeare's The Tempest (tr. M. Bouchor), for solo voices and small orchestra (1888); five pieces (Chant d'Ariel, Air de danse, Duo de Junon et Cérès, Danse rustique, Chanson d'Ariel) were later arranged for solo voices, flute, violin, viola, cello, harp, and celesta (pub. 1905).mp3
Ernest Chausson - Op. 19, Poème de l'amour et de la mer for voice and orchestra, to words by M. Bouchor (1882–90; rev. 1893).mp3
Ernest Chausson - Op. 20, Symphony in B-flat (1889–90).mp3
Ernest Chausson - Op. 21, Concert in D for piano, violin, and string quartet (1889–91).mp3
Ernest Chausson - Op. 22, La légende de Sainte Cécile, incidental music, to words by Bouchor (1891).mp3
Ernest Chausson - Op. 23, Le roi Arthus, original lyric drama in three acts (1886–95).mp3
Ernest Chausson - Op. 24, Serres chaudes, song cycle to words by Maurice Maeterlinck.mp3
Ernest Chausson - Serre chaude (1896).mp3
Ernest Chausson - Serre d'ennui (1893).mp3
Ernest Chausson - Lassitude (1893).mp3
Ernest Chausson - Fauves las (1896).mp3
Ernest Chausson - Oraison (1895).mp3
Ernest Chausson - Op. 25, Poème for violin and orchestra (1896).mp3
Ernest Chausson - Op. 26, Quelques danses (Some Dances) for piano (1896).mp3
Ernest Chausson - No. 1 Dédicace.mp3
Ernest Chausson - No. 2 Sarabande.mp3
Ernest Chausson - No. 3 Pavane.mp3
Ernest Chausson - No. 4 Forlane.mp3
Ernest Chausson - Op. 27, Three lieder, to words by Camille Mauclair (1896).mp3
Ernest Chausson - Les heures.mp3
Ernest Chausson - Ballade.mp3
Ernest Chausson - Les couronnes.mp3
Ernest Chausson - Op. 28, Songs of Shakespeare (tr. Bouchor).mp3
Ernest Chausson - Chanson de clown from Twelfth Night (1890).mp3
Ernest Chausson - Chanson d'amour from Measure for Measure (1891).mp3
Ernest Chausson - Chanson d'Ophélie from Hamlet (1896).mp3
Ernest Chausson - Chant funèbre from Much Ado about Nothing for four female voices (1897).mp3
Ernest Chausson - Op. 29, Ballata (orig. title Canzoniere di Dante), to words by Dante, for four voices (1896-7).mp3
Ernest Chausson - Op. 30, Piano Quartet in A (1897).mp3
Ernest Chausson - Op. 31, Vêpres pour le commun des vierges for organ (1897).mp3
Ernest Chausson - Op. 32, Soir de fête, symphonic poem (1897-8).mp3
Ernest Chausson - Op. 33, Pour un arbre de Noël, song (1898).mp3
Ernest Chausson - Op. 34, Deux poèmes (Two Poems), songs with words by Verlaine (1898).mp3
Ernest Chausson - La chanson bien douce.mp3
Ernest Chausson - Le chevalier malheur.mp3
Ernest Chausson - Op. 35, String Quartet in C minor (1897-9).mp3
Ernest Chausson - Op. 36, Two Melodies.mp3
Ernest Chausson - Cantique à l'épouse, to words by A. Jounet (1896).mp3
Ernest Chausson - Dans la forêt du charme et de l'enchantement, to words by Jean Moréas (1898).mp3
Ernest Chausson - Op. 37, "Chanson perpétuelle" for soprano and orchestra or piano quintet, to words by Charles Cros (1898).mp3
Ernest Chausson - Op. 38, Paysage (Landscape) for piano (1895).mp3
Ernest Chausson - Op. 39, Piece for cello or viola, and piano (1897).mp3
Ernest Chausson - Works without opus number.mp3
Ernest Chausson - Stage.mp3
Ernest Chausson - Les oiseaux, incidental music for Aristophanes' The Birds, for flute and harp (1889).mp3
Ernest Chausson - Vocal-orchestral.mp3
Ernest Chausson - La veuve du roi basque, ballad to words by L. Brethous-Lafargue (1879).mp3
Ernest Chausson - Hylas, to words by Leconte de Lisle (1879–80).mp3
Ernest Chausson - Esméralda, to words by Victor Hugo (1880).mp3
Ernest Chausson - Hymne à la nature, to words by A. Silvestre (1881).mp3
Ernest Chausson - L'arabe, cantata (1881).mp3
Ernest Chausson - Orchestral.mp3
Ernest Chausson - Symphony No. 2 (sketches, 1899).mp3
Ernest Chausson - Chamber.mp3
Ernest Chausson - Andante and Allegro for clarinet and piano (1881).mp3
Ernest Chausson - Concerto for piano, oboe, viola, and string quartet (sketches, 1897).mp3
Ernest Chausson - Piano.mp3
Ernest Chausson - Sonatinas for piano four hands (1878).mp3
Ernest Chausson - No. 1 in G minor.mp3
Ernest Chausson - No. 2 in D minor.mp3
Ernest Chausson - Eleven Fugues on Themes by Bach, Franck, Massenet, and Saint-Saëns for piano (1880-1).mp3
Ernest Chausson - Marche militaire for piano (1884).mp3
Ernest Chausson - Sacred.mp3
Ernest Chausson - O salutaris in B for organ, piano, or harp (1879).mp3
Ernest Chausson - Tantum ergo for voice, organ, violin, and harp (1891).mp3
Ernest Chausson - Songs for voice and piano.mp3
Ernest Chausson - Lilas, to words by Bouchor (1877).mp3
Ernest Chausson - Le petit sentier, to words by Bouchor (1878).mp3
Ernest Chausson - L'albatros, to words by Charles Baudelaire (1879).mp3
Ernest Chausson - Le rideau de ma voisine, to words by Alfred de Musset (1879).mp3
Ernest Chausson - Nous nous aimerons, to words by anon. (1882).mp3
Ernest Chausson - Le mort maudit, to words by J. Richepin (1884).mp3
Ernest Chausson - Epithalame, to words by Bouchor (1886).mp3
Ernest Chausson - Marins dévots à la Vierge, to words by L.-P. Fargue (1898).mp3